乐高复仇者联盟:红色代码/ 评分:0.0

类型:动漫电影 / 地区:美国 / 年份:2023

主演:劳拉·贝莉 特雷弗·德瓦 史蒂夫·布卢姆 威尔·弗里德尔 James C. Mathis III 利亚姆·奥布莱恩 劳拉·波斯特 邦坡尔·罗宾逊 罗杰·克莱格·史密斯 弗雷德·塔特西奥 特拉维斯·威林厄姆 米克·温格特 

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简介:The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest vict详情

The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow’s father, Red Guardian. As the Avengers investigate, they discover that Red Guardian isn’t the only one missing when they meet a dangerous new foe quite unlike anything they’ve ever encountered before.
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